Monday 14 April 2014

Meet me in Saigon!

First of all, Happy Songkran Festival y'all!! For those who don't know what the occasion is, well you have to experience it yourself! It's the traditional Thai New Year, which also coincides with the New Year of many calendars of South and Southeast Asia (source: wikipedia). Just be in Bangkok or even the Thai communities aboard around this time of year, I ensure you a wet and wild experience you can hardly find it anywhere else in the world!! This year I don't feel the thrill to go out splashing water anywhere though, guess I'm getting a lil too old for that. -.- In Thailand, April 14th also observed as the National Family Day as people get a chance to head back to there hometowns to be with their family on this long holiday. On April 13-14, we pay respect to the elders in our families by gently pouring water onto their shoulders and hands and then get blessings in return. It is a beautiful tradition but my family does not celebrate it since there are only mum, bro and I in the family and we do see each other everyday. Regarding to name of the post, yes, if you were in Ho Chi Minh City and Dalat at the end of March, you probably saw me stumbling around town taking pictures of cute kids, food and flowers. I don't find Saigon much different from Bangkok but I absolutely fell in love with Dalat. Just check my pictures out if you wanna know why or see you at instagram.com/veryynayy (:

Sunday 9 March 2014


Time to get back to writing!! I know it's been ages! From now on I'll try to be here more often I promise! I started my 2014 with a trip to Yangon with my mum. First impression: The town and its building were outdated and deteriorating (mum said it looked a lot like Bangkok 20-30 years ago) but we had a really great time. What we love most about Myanmar is the people!! They were super kind and helpful! This time we only had a chance to visit Yangon and Syrium but next time we won't miss Bagan for sure!!!!!

Friday 8 October 2010

as always

I'll end it, though you started.

Monday 19 July 2010

Dating Karma

It's true - what you put out is what you get back! Whether you believe in the whole principle of karma or not, the idea behind it makes sense. If you are constantly thinking you're too fat, too skinny, too old, too poor, too stupid, or too anything to attract a love match, chances are you probably won't.

If you believe there are only jerks, gold diggers or messed up freaks out there, these are the people you willl meet. If you think dating is a complete waste of time, then it will be! Negative thoughts produce negative results. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

If this sounds like you, then make a promise to yourself to stop RIGHT NOW! When you catch yourself in a negative thought, give yourself a little pep talk. Say, "stop", and turn the thought around to something more positive. Give yourself a compliment about one of your strengths. You get the idea.

Source: Itsjustlunchblog.com