Monday 19 July 2010

Dating Karma

It's true - what you put out is what you get back! Whether you believe in the whole principle of karma or not, the idea behind it makes sense. If you are constantly thinking you're too fat, too skinny, too old, too poor, too stupid, or too anything to attract a love match, chances are you probably won't.

If you believe there are only jerks, gold diggers or messed up freaks out there, these are the people you willl meet. If you think dating is a complete waste of time, then it will be! Negative thoughts produce negative results. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

If this sounds like you, then make a promise to yourself to stop RIGHT NOW! When you catch yourself in a negative thought, give yourself a little pep talk. Say, "stop", and turn the thought around to something more positive. Give yourself a compliment about one of your strengths. You get the idea.

Source: Itsjustlunchblog.com

Tuesday 13 July 2010

Gwen Stefani in "Cool" MV

It's the "style" I love, SO pweety! : )

Tuesday 6 July 2010

Daisy Lowe models her mother's collection for Peacocks

Heart her mum's clothing line


Kui's BD & Tah's Farewell to "The Nations"
Venue: Moddy Aree Soi 4